Willing Hearts

Taken from the archives…

“I could blog about my parenting experiences,” I said to Marilyn as we talked on the phone this morning. We talked on about the ins and outs of the possibility, and as I got off the phone, my mind was swirling with all the things I might write about if I were to blog. First in my mind, however was to talk with my kids. I quickly realized that if I were to blog about my real life experience with the principles of Lifestyle of Learning™ as a parent, I would need to write about the real life experiences of my children. I wouldn’t do such a thing without first talking with them and learning their thoughts about our daily lives and relationships being put into print for anyone to read.

The Poling Family

I came out of my room to see what the kids were up to. Josiah was building a Lego dragon on the floor. Annie was on the couch reading a Jane Austen book, and all was quiet. After rubbing Josiah’s back for a moment and giving him a partial hug, I passed through to the bedrooms. Rachel was on her bed doing some work on her computer, she smiled at me and giggled as she told me something funny she’d read. Lizzy was reading, but where was Phillip? I called down the stairs and hearing no answer, I went down to find him.

“There you are,” I said in a happy way as I stepped into the furnace room/basement.

“Here I am!” he answered me in his delighted sing song fashion that says to me, I’m glad you’re here Mom!

I picked my way in among the heaps of drying wood and the maze of power tools in the place our good friend calls “the man cave”. I listened and examined as Phillip explained to me his latest ring-making project of intricate Celtic braided wire. He was almost done with the one he was working on. I was so glad to see his creativity so diligently applied from the increasing complexity of his projects to all the tools he had made in order to accomplish them, and I told him so.

He came with me upstairs, and I called all the kids to come and talk. I explained my thinking of writing about our everyday family relationships, and about my experiences as a parent, and we talked about the exposure of making our process of growth and change public. They were silent for a moment as they considered the possibility.  Josiah spoke first, “I think it would be loving to do it.”

As their comments flowed in agreement, another said, “It might be embarrassing for people to know about our bad attitudes.”

This was countered by Rachel who said, “Yeah, but it will help the people to know how to help their kids have better attitudes. Besides, we’re only embarrassed by things if we want to hide them.” They all agreed that she was right and decided it wasn’t a reason to keep us from sharing the truth of our real-life relating.

As we wrapped up our conversation all the kids said it would be fine with them, and encouraged me to blog about our real life in order to “help the moms with the truth”. I wasn’t surprised by their discussion. They are already willingly and eagerly working with Tim and me as a team to minister sacrificially to families in our area. They want to be a part of what we’re doing, and take on our concerns as their own. I’m so blessed with having my children’s hearts, and the deep peace and joy that unity, harmony and teamwork brings.

[originally posted 7/21/2010]


  1. Would you please tell your kids that this Mom who is hearing more truth, so appreciates their loving act to let us hear about their days and interactions! Thank you Barbie for blessing and sharing!

  2. When I am asked, “What does it actually LOOK like to have your children’s hearts?” THIS is where I’m going to send them (or what I’ll quote) to give a beautiful, 3-dimensional, real-life answer to that question!!!!!!! Thank you, Barbie and family (and the Howshall’s!), and thank You, Lord, for the vulnerablity of this family, and their willingness to open up their lives, their process, and their hearts to the world so that we can learn from them!!!

  3. Your family is a blessing to our entire family! You bring life to everything you touch. I’m so grateful for all of you. Thank you so much for your sacrifice online and in person, Barbie!

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