Known by their Character

I wanted to encourage you, Sweet Moms, in your lifestyle of learning. As time goes on, and my children grow and mature, I get to see the wonderful fruit blossoming in their lives that I’ve been encouraged to sow because of Lifestyle of Learning™ principles and Marilyn Howshall’s influence in our lives. I’m just overwhelmed… Continue reading Known by their Character

Homeschoolers Embracing the World’s Ideas About Friends

I’ve been noticing that there are many Christian homeschooling parents who think their children have a need that only outside-the-family friends can meet. Do you think that? Why do you think that? It’s a very common thought. The world certainly believes children have a need that only friends can fill. Isn’t that the most common… Continue reading Homeschoolers Embracing the World’s Ideas About Friends

Family Time Together

Dear Friends, This last week I was listening to an audio Marilyn made recently where she was encouraging moms new to Lifestyle of Learning™ in how to focus their time during this season of growing understanding. She gave instruction for 3 things to be doing: immersing yourself in Lifestyle of Learning™ reading materials to renew… Continue reading Family Time Together


This week I’ve been thinking about teamwork. Years ago when I was first learning from Marilyn about relationships, she would say, “The evidence and the fruit of right relating is Unity, Harmony, and Teamwork.” I know she’s written many messages along these lines through the years, but it’s been on my mind this week, and… Continue reading Teamwork

Making Good Comparisons

Over this last week, I’ve had several opportunities to talk with some precious moms about comparison. I know Marilyn has written articles and shared much about comparison over the years, so my short e-letter is just an encouragement and reminder to moms of these truths I’ve had the privilege to learn from her. When we’re… Continue reading Making Good Comparisons

Paying Attention to GPS

Yesterday was a big day for my kiddos. They’ve been volunteering for a local film project, and yesterday was auditions in downtown Seattle. My kids were helping to run the auditions, and so they left relatively early in the morning with their lunches packed, and money in their pockets for a quick dinner on the… Continue reading Paying Attention to GPS


[from the archives] I realize my recent blog posts (starting with Escalating Control) have brought a challenge in thinking to those who believe it is unsubmissive and therefore sinful for a wife to admonish or correct her husband. Loving admonishment and correction are good and necessary for the Christian life—for ALL Christians. Admonishment means to… Continue reading Unsubmitted?