I’ve been editing Connecting to Your God-Given Forces for Growth by Marilyn Howshall over the last couple of weeks in preparation for the launching of the Seven Seasons to LYFE on-line program. As I was reading over it again today I was making some connections with some of my memories from a few years back.… Continue reading Educating My Conscience
Category: Posts by BARBIE POLING
Obey Your Conscience
This morning I finished the current edit of “Walk by the Spirit in Your Homeschool Decisions” by Marilyn Howshall. My mind is full of the message of the 5 new chapters being added: OBEY YOUR CONSCIENCE! It’s the only way to begin walking by the Spirit. I remember when I first began to hear Marilyn… Continue reading Obey Your Conscience
Discipline at the Heart-Level
A few weeks back we were talking about purpose and discipline in our local pilot Seven Seasons to LYFE (Liberate Your Family’s Education) program. I’ve been thinking about discipline and purpose. Purpose is what motivates us toward discipline. For instance, if I want to stay in bed in the morning, but I also want to… Continue reading Discipline at the Heart-Level
Barbie Poling—Telling My Husband the Truth, part 2
Part 2 ~ Once we were free from the legalism that was destroying our relationships, I began to ponder how it was that I came to believe these patriarchal teachings that are so prevalent in the homeschool community. I did firmly believe them and even taught them to others. I thought that perhaps I had… Continue reading Barbie Poling—Telling My Husband the Truth, part 2