
[from the archives]

I came into the living room early in the morning to hang Josiah’s Birthday Banner. I made one for each of the kids when they were young. Each year on their birthday I put a “patch” on it that represents something significant about them or their interests for the previous year. The patches are made of sheet foam that I get at the craft store. I draw on them with sharpie markers.

I was fumbling with the banner, because I couldn’t find the tacks that usually reside on the fireplace mantle where we hang the banners. Phillip saw me fumbling and came to help. “I can’t find the tacks because I haven’t put my contacts on yet.” Phillip smiled with his loving silly-mommy-I’ll-rescue-you look, and got me some tacks.

I made my way into Josiah’s room and climbed onto his bed with him.  We snuggled and I recounted to him my sweet memories of his birth and his early years. One by one the other kids wandered into his room as well, adding their memories to our shower of love and laughter toward Josiah.

Soon we all made our way into the kitchen to prepare Josiah’s chosen breakfast: French toast and apple juice. Phillip cleared off the bar, Rachel prepared the syrup and other toppings, Annie began preparations for dinner, and Lizzy set the table with our special dishes, the glasses that Josiah etched and the napkins that Annie made.

Breakfast lasted for an hour or so as our sit-down meals always do with all the talking and laughing and simply enjoying each other’s presence. Josiah finally decided what he wanted to do for his birthday (he’s a little indecisive!). We would drive about an hour south to go the LEGO store in Bellevue.

After breakfast Rachel wandered into my room, “Mom, do I have to go? I’ve got a lot to do, and I’m not interested in LEGOs. I’ll just be standing around.”  I explained to Rachel, as she knew I would, that we can be interested in LEGOs because Josiah is, and we love Josiah. He will really like this event, and we need to rejoice with him in it. Our conversation ended as all the other kids filed into my room, as often happens. Where one is, they all like to be. I said as I usually do when this happens, “You’re probably wondering why I’ve called you all here.” That statement got the usual smiles, because we all knew that I didn’t call any of them here. 🙂

Soon Josiah and Lizzy were laughing and tickling on my bed, Phillip was talking to me about web-site something or other, and Rachel left, not looking as happy as usual.

Preparations were under way for our day trip. Lizzy was making sandwiches for everyone. I went into Rachel’s room to check on her heart. “Are you ready to come to the LEGO store with us?” She smiled said she was and then I asked her if she was going to choose to have a good time out of love for Josiah. She said she was. I helped her to think of ways she could bring some of her work with her.

We went to the Lego store, and adding to Rachel’s already glad heart, she discovered that the LEGO store is in a mall! She and Annie came in and out of the LEGO store and a few other stores nearby. Each time they would connect back in with Josiah, and rejoice with him in his delight at all the things to see and do and they would examine the pile of things he was considering for purchase with his birthday money from Grandma and Grandpa.

After our drive home and Josiah’s chosen dinner of lasagnia with pea salad, we began may favorite part of our birthday celebration. We gathered around for each of us to tell Josiah what we love about him. We’ve always had this birthday tradition, but over the last 4 years since our family’s huge changes toward love and the principles of Lifestyle of Learning™ this tradition has become so much more special. The kids have grown in love toward each other, and their ability to express it in heart-felt words has grown.

We ended our birthday evening with Phillip, Lizzy and I lying on the living room floor with Josiah as he excitedly explained the ins and outs of his new Legos.

I’m so blessed with my Josiah. He’s my happy, funny, cuddly one who is growing up physically, but my delight is more in his growth in love and his heart toward improved relationships. Happy 13th birthday Josiah!

[originally posted August 2010]

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