Is Lifestyle of Learning™ Working for You?

coachingLisaHere’s the first of the testimonies I promised you in my last blog post. It’s from one of my Lifestyle of Learning™ mom friends who has begun to discover how to achieve the success she’s been hoping for.

Here’s what Lisa C. says about her life since participating in the coaching programs:

“Through the teachings and mentoring of the five “Making Heart-Level Connections” coaching programs, I received truth and help that has changed my life completely. I have been floundering trying to implement Lifestyle of Learning™ without knowing how to be Spirit-led. Since going through the programs, I let go of all kinds of fear and learned to be Spirit-led and open to what God is leading my family to do through living in a faith-filled relationship with Him.

I am freed from all kinds of unloving behaviors like anger, worry, discouragement, self-pity, selfishness, control, irritations, negativity, and perfectionism. I learned to die to myself, my selfish ways, and be filled with the Spirit, abiding and trusting in Him for everything. Now I am walking in grace and forgiveness towards myself and my family, receiving love and forgiveness from my Heavenly Father. I have had a desire for so long for a real relationship with God that lasts all day long in my everyday busyness of being a homeschool mom, and I have finally learned how to do that. I am now walking in real joy and thanksgiving, cooperating with what the Lord is doing in my life instead of fighting and complaining about what happens. Thank You Lord!” ~ Lisa C.

Can You Identify with Lisa?

If you’re like Lisa, you may be wondering how children can pursue their own education without curriculum to make them do assignments. Or you may feel like you don’t know how to be Spirit-led in much of anything, let alone your kids’ education, and you may be concerned that your kids don’t seem to be interested in anything that seems like education to you. Worse yet, your days may be filled with so much complaining, bickering, and strife, it’s hard to believe you could accomplish much of anything toward your kids’ education. These concerns are common among homeschooling moms, but, like Lisa, some moms are finding answers that work.

Are You Ready for Real Answers that Work?

These changes in Lisa are beginning to impact her whole family! God is helping her to create the environment that serves a whole-life education like Lifestyle of Learning™ promotes. You can find the answers your heart is searching for like Lisa did, and like many other Lifestyle of Learning™ moms who are finding real answers for their families too. The “Making Heart-Level Connections” mini coaching programs can change your life, and help you get connected with the Lord toward a growth process like you’ve never known before!

The video at the bottom gives an introduction to the Making Heart-Level Connections mini coaching programs. It’s 15 minutes long. If you’d prefer to read the contents of the video instead of watch it, you can find a pdf of it here.

I want to inspire you with Hope!

I want to inspire you with hope today! The Good Lord wants to do so much in our lives as parents, helping us to raise our children up for Him, helping us to reconcile our family relationships to Him, and helping us in the overcoming life as we live our lives for Him! He wants to be a personal God to us, but we limit Him so much. I’ve found that we believers don’t actually see how we limit God in our day-to-day lives, and if we do, we may need a little help to get unstuck and get connected to His heart-level work. This is why I want to inspire you with the hope that there are many practical things you can begin to do right now to connect into all that He wants to do in you and your family. I want to inspire you with the hope that you can learn how to cooperate more fully with the Lord’s personal work in you, and experience His love more completely so the fruit of your labors will be realized.

Here are two words for you—inspire and hope. Inspire means to suggest, to introduce, and to implant ideas into the mind; to fill you with what brings new life, and to communicate to your spirit a superior or supernatural influence. Don’t we all need a superior influence! The second word Hope is a desire of some good, accompanied with at least a slight expectation of obtaining it, or a belief that it is obtainable, based on substantial evidence. Hope provides pleasure or joy and is confident in a future event.

But sometimes it’s hard to anticipate something good when all around you, you can witness the same old thing happening to just about everyone’s family as their children approach the teen years. Hearts begin to close off more and more, broken relationships begin to be more noticeable, and as parents lose more of their influence, kids begin to go their independent ways. It’s pretty difficult to comfort yourself with the thought that, “It must be normal, it’s happening to everyone, and so it’ll probably happen to me too…”

It doesn’t have to be this way! Taken together these two words—inspire and hope—can cause you to anticipate something good for you and your family. I want to provide you with substantial evidence that your cooperation with God’s desires for your family will result in healed and whole heart-level relationships with your children; relationships that will sustain your family through the changing seasons of growing up and every trial life brings. I want to stir up in you the expectation of obtaining this and the belief that it is obtainable in your life…..(This discussion continues in the free 15-page article, “Your Hope Inspired”. Sign up for access to the complete article below.)

Continue reading the testimonies here. And don’t forget to go get your complimentary gifts from me! There’s an article and my own personal testimony that you can get in pdf to read or as an audio if you’d prefer listening. Click on the button below to get your FREE downloads!

So grateful to be in the Lord’s service,
Marilyn Howshall for Lifestyle of Learning™ Ministries

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