How Are Your Family Relationships?

CoachingBlogMichelleHHere’s the second of six testimonies I promised you in my previous blog post from one of my Lifestyle of Learning™ mom friends who found great benefit from going through the five mini coaching programs “Making Heart-Level Connections”. It’s from Michelle.

After reading Michelle’s thoughts about her life, I’d like to encourage you to check out the short introductory video at the bottom of this post. It’s only 15 minutes long, and along with my own commentary, you will get to hear the voices of several moms openly sharing their thoughts with you. My team and I wanted to make it as easy as possible for you to hear this message, so if you’d rather read the contents of the video instead of watching it, you can download the script here.

Here’s what Michelle H. says about her life since participating in the coaching programs:

“After having gone through all five coaching programs I know that I will never be the same person again. I am becoming much less angry, irritated and frustrated with everyone. I am letting go of my need to control my children and my husband. My tone of voice has become much more loving. I am becoming more affectionate with my children. My children are beginning to become more affectionate with me and with each other. They seek me out for affection and want to be near me when they feel lonely or scared, since I’m not getting frustrated with them for being scared anymore. This is all new!

I am much faster to seek forgiveness for my unloving ways, and much more able to forgive my family’s unloving ways. I can scoop up my very angry seven-year-old, amidst her tantrums and just love on her, and help her to calm down. She is having fewer of these tantrums now, as am I. Because I can now accept the Lord’s forgiveness, I am much more filled with peace and more likely to run to Him, rather than away from Him, when I feel convicted. Self-condemnation and blaming others for my sin are gone. I turn to Him in prayer and worship and thanksgiving much more often. I am coming to love Him more and more, and I am coming to love my family more and more. We still have a long way to go, but changes are happening.

The Lord has captured my heart and revealed His true loving identity to me. I will listen for the Lord, through my conscience, and run to Him for forgiveness and instruction. The love I have always desired in my relationships is possible, and will be a reality as I obey my Lord and am changed by Him.  Thank you, Lord!” ~ Michelle H.

Can You Identify with Michelle?

If you’re like Michelle, you may be thinking that there ought to be more loving treatment between family members, but you don’t know how to encourage it. Maybe you’ve been upset with yourself because of angry outbursts that you know are wrong, but you just can’t seem to stop them, even though you’ve been praying that the Lord will change you. Worse yet, you may feel like a failure as a parent and as a home educating mom, and when you think about it, you’ve always felt like a failure. These thoughts and feelings are more common among moms than you might think! But there are answers and solutions!

The heart-level changes Michelle describes are impacting her whole family! God is helping her to create the environment that serves a whole-life education like Lifestyle of Learning™ promotes.

My Testimony is Similar

Do you remember “The Velveteen Rabbit”—the story of the stuffed toy a boy loved so much it became real. In a true sense this is what happens when we experience God’s love enough to break through the barriers we’ve erected to keep people out, forcing them to relate with our false personality [our habitual unloving relational patterns]. When barriers come down we become real people, able to love others and touch their hearts.

Becoming real began by simply allowing God to tell me the truth and agreeing with Him. Before I began to agree with Him, I, like Michelle, had been a mere shell of a real person, bereft of love and void of the Spirit. But when I allowed Jesus to break through my defenses, He changed me and filled me with His love. I became alive unto God and present to Him and His purposes in my home. Becoming real was like leaving a detached place where I had been a mere spectator of life. I entered into a tangible spiritual significance of being in the center of God’s activity, where His focus is, where His best work is, where love is, and where vital purpose is. Becoming real enabled me to communicate at the heart-level with others and help them overcome their sin and carnal relating patterns, leading to healing in their relationships. Becoming real led me to give out what had so generously been given to me. Becoming real made me an authentic Christian.

There is nothing more rewarding in this life than close, meaningful relationships between people who love to be together, choose each other as their favorite ones to spend time with, go out of their way to bless each other, love you no matter what you go through, and stay with you through thick and thin.

Do you know how to make the heart-level connections with the Lord, and your spouse and children that will assure the future of your family holding close, meaningful relationships? Do you know how to help your children develop their faith in God so they will continue to do so for the rest of their lives? I’ve been so blessed by having my children’s hearts, but it didn’t happen only through the natural ways that all good parents do for their kids. The heart-level love I’m speaking of came when I became highly invested in the true soul-felt needs of my children by first making the right connections with God’s work in me, allowing Him to become personally and intimately invested in my own heart, receiving the parenting I needed. His wisdom empowered me to become highly invested at the heart-level with my children, and spent my relational efforts focusing on meeting their soul-felt needs so I could help them connect into their own relationship with God. You can do the same thing too….(this is an excerpt from the free article My Personal Testimonies.  You can sign up below to read it all.)

You can find the answers your heart is searching for like Michelle did, and like many other Lifestyle of Learning™ moms who are finding real answers for their families too. The “Making Heart-Level Connections” mini coaching programs can change your life, and help you get connected with the Lord toward a growth process like you’ve never known before! Are you ready to build the lasting foundation that will support a whole-life education?

Continue reading the testimonies here. And don’t forget to go get your complimentary gifts from me! There’s an article and my own personal testimony that you can get in pdf to read or as an audio if you’d prefer listening. Click on the button below to get your FREE downloads!

So grateful to be in the Lord’s service,
Marilyn Howshall for Lifestyle of Learning™ Ministries

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